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Taurine, a sulphur-containing amino acid, is produced from the conditionally essential amino acid L-cysteine by the body. It is the most abundant intracellular amino acid in humans, and is found particularly throughout the excitable tissues of the central nervous system, where it is thought to have a regulating influence.

Dehydroepiandrosterone, also known as DHEA, is a hormone naturally produced in the brain and adrenal glands. DHEA has the ability to convert into other hormones such as testosterone and estrogen, depending on the body’s needs. Supplementing with DHEA may help boost energy levels, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease & diabetes, improve memory and concentration, stimulate libido and improve physical performance.


Feeling not quite yourself? Try 5-HTP! Today’s stress-filled lifestyles and dietary practices may negatively alter your serotonin metabolism which can cause irritability and even depression. Regular use of 5-HTP can help provide a more positive and balanced attitude needed to help you maintain a healthy outlook and keep your diet goals by having greater appetite control.


MYO-X represents a major advancement in muscle building science. For decades, researchers have been diligently looking for a way to inhibit the production of myostatin, a naturally occurring regulatory protein responsible for limiting muscle growth in humans. Fueled by the widely held belief in scientific and medical communities that myostatin inhibition may represent the most powerful strategy for promoting dramatic muscular gains, leading researchers in this field have been relentless in their efforts to isolate a viable myostatin inhibitor and make it available to athletes. Now it appears that their efforts have been rewarded.

Glycation Protection Formula

Foods cooked at high temperatures, including grilled meats and fried vegetables, can create harmful advanced glycation end products. And glycation can lead to cellular damage and premature aging. Glycation Protection Formula provides three key ingredients in a targeted formula that powerfully supports your body’s proteins against glycation. Protect yourself with this innovative formula!

DNA Protection Formula

Medical science has documented the ability of certain nutrients to exert powerful effects that can significantly bolster the body’s natural defenses against chemical assault. DNA Protection Formula provides standardized potencies of curcumin, chlorophyllin, wasabi, and broccoli extract.
The turmeric extract contains the gene-protecting nutrient curcumin. It helps maintain healthy cell function, and provides antioxidant protection against cell damage by inhibiting the formation of free radicals and quenching already-formed superoxide and hydroxyl radicals.

Endothelial Defense™ with Full-Spectrum Pomegranate™ and CORDIART™

Optimal heart health depends on many factors, including proper endothelial function. Even with cholesterol/glucose levels in the healthy range, aging individuals need to maintain youthful integrity of their endothelium-the thin layer of cells lining the interior of the entire circulatory system.
Based on published studies showing improvements in endothelial function, health-conscious people have been drinking pomegranate juice or taking a standardized pomegranate supplement.

SODzyme® with GliSODin® & Wolfberry

Internally produced antioxidants — including the enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase — are the body’s primary defense against free-radical assault, offering significantly more protection against certain free radicals than dietary antioxidants.

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