
BTL translates rating, regardless of the cost. Audience, analyzing the results of the advertising campaign, as always unpredictable. The consumer market is concentrating analysis of foreign experience, realizing the social responsibility of business. It can be assumed that the change in global strategy pushes constructive strategic planning process, despite the actions of competitors.

Alexey Moskalev, Dr.
Москалев Алексей Александрович - доктор биологических наук, профессор РАН, заведующий лабораторией в Институте биологии Коми НЦ УрО РАН, в Москвоском физико-техническом институте, кафедрой экологии Сыктывкарского государственного университета, ведущий научный сотрудник Института молекулярной биологии им. В.А. Энгельгардта РАН, преподаватель Школы системной биологии Университета Джоржа Мейсона (Виргиния, США). Член редколлегий научных журналов Oncotarget, Aging, Biogerontology, Aging and disease, Frontiers in genetics, эксперт Высшей аттестационной комиссии Министерства образования и науки РФ, член межведомственной рабочей группы "Научное обеспечение повышения качества жизни" при Совете при Президенте Российской Федерации по науке и образовани. Автор более 300 научных публикаций, учебных пособий, монографий. Автор научно-популярных бестселлеров "120 лет жизни – только начало. Как победить старение?" и "Как победить свой возраст? Восемь уникальных способов, которые помогут достичь долголетия". Соорганизатор международных конференций "Генетика старения и долголетия" (2008, 2010, 20102,2014) и "Биомедицинские инновации для здорового долголетия" (2016).
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Вадим Фрайфельд
Вадим Фрайфельд – MD, PhD, руководитель лаборатории проблем старения в Университете имени Бен-Гуриона (Израиль). Научные интересы: биология старения, долголетие и терморегуляция. Его исследовательские проекты - геномный и протеомный анализ долголетия, анализ белкового профиля в стареющих мышцах с использованием масс-спектрометрии MALDI-TOF.
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Andrey Berezin
Andrey Berezin is a Russian businessman, from 1994 to the present, he has been a chairman of the board of the Euroinvest investment company. Since 2017, he has been the founder of the venture capital fund Euro Venture, which focuses on projects in the scientific and technological field.
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Aleksandr Novikov, MBA

Keller Graduate School of management

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Science Council
Dr. Shibashish Giri
Dr. Shibashish Giri — PhD, Deputy head of the Laboratory of Applied Cell Biology and Cell Technologies, Biomedical and Biotechnological Center (BBZ), Medical faculty, University of Leipzig. Shibashish Giri specialize in stem cell preclinical research and threatment. He has more than 17 years of experience in researh and education, 28 peer review articles on stem cells and regenerative medicine in the top-tier journals. He is also a prominent public speaker and already gave more than 100 lessons across the world. The key interests of Dr. Shibashish Giri are threatment of adipose degeneration of liver, epigenetic approaches in differentiation of induced pluripotent cells into hepatocites, bone and scin regeneration (no scars), anti-inflummatory methods, biomaterials in stem cell researsh.
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Alfredo Franco-Obregon
Alfredo Franco-Obregon – associate Professor, National University Hospital Singapore, Department of Surgery, NUHS Sports, Head of BioIonic Currents Electromagnetic Pulsing Systems (BICEPS) Laboratory. Alfredo Franco-Obregón approaches regenerative medicine from a biophysical perspective, as an alternative to more conventional drug-based approaches. This endeavour began at University of California studying the biophysics of muscle loss and later continued at the University of Seville (Spain), the Mayo Clinic, Harvard Medical School and the ETH Zürich, where he founded the Rehabilitation and Regenerative Strategies group, aimed at developing technologies to maintain muscle mass during manned space flight. He currently heads the BICEPS (BioIonic Currents Electromagnetic Pulsing Systems) laboratory at the National University of Singapore (NUS), where he continues to develop strategies to postpone age- and disease-related muscle loss.
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Andrew Voronkov, PhD in Chemistry
PhD. Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University. From 2009 to 2014, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oslo and was involved in the development of anti-cancer drugs (through the impact on the signaling pathways of cancer stem cells). From 2015 to 2017, he worked as Science Director at IVAO. After that, he participated as a co-founder and expert in several well-known blockchain startups. Owner and founder of the consulting companies Voronkov Ventures LLC and Digital BioPharm ltd. Since 2019, he has been managing blockchain organizations within the UniDao platform. He is also involved in scientific work at Moscow State University in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry. Fields of interest: high-performance computing in bioinformatics and chemoinformatics, blockchain and venture capital investments.
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