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Ageing theories

Programmed Longevity Theory OR "The Program of Longevity"


A group of researches: G. Lithgow, S. Murakami, T. Johnson; L. Guarente, C. Kenyon, v. Longo et al.


This theory is as it were the theory of anti-aging. It explains when longevity may emerge in the process of evolution. The theory has been developing since 1990s.


Under stress, the organism enters the «waiting mode». In this mode, the organism saves its resources suppressing biosynthesis of structural proteins, switching the household genes off, holding the growth and reproduction up. Besides, the organism delays the entry into the reproduction cycle and increases its stress resistance (it means that the organism activates its antioxidant systems, induces heat-shock proteins, DNA repair and autophagy-related enzymes). Measures of economy and increasing of the stress resistance help the organism overcome spontaneous injuries. That delays the aging of the whole organism.

Description of the Theory:

According to this theory, the program of longevity might appear in evolution to overcome short-time extreme environmental conditions (overheating, supercooling, decrease of caloric value of food). This program allows the organism to exceed its normal life span by entering the «maintenance mode». The fact is that survival rate of descendants will be extremely low under short-time negative environmental conditions so it is profitable to an organism to direct its resources to waiting and delay reproduction. In the «maintenance mode» cell growth and divisions as well as reproduction pause but stress resistance increases. So we can say about the peculiar cross adaptation.

Molecular and cellular mechanisms of stress resistance turning on in the «maintenance mode» can afterwards help to overcome another sorts of stress (e.g. negative effects of radiation). The same mechanisms withstand the age-related accumulation of damages causing aging.
Mutations are currently known which increase the life span in experimental animal. Individuals with such mutations get into the «maintenance mode» irrespective of the environmental conditions.

Additions and Сriticism:

While the mutation accumulation and the disposable soma theories of aging rest upon permanent pressure of the environmental conditions (predators, diseases), the program of longevity could arise in evolution for overcoming the short-time extreme environmental conditions.

The programmed longevity theory predicts that if an individual undergoes moderate stress (overheating, supercooling, decrease of caloric value of food) at the early stages of its life, this individual will live longer. However, this assumption needs careful examination in experiments. Nevertheless, it is established that low-calorie diet (30–40% decrease in volume of food without underfeeding) increases the lifespan and delays aging in yeasts, worms, mice, rats and primates.


  • Kahn, Arnold, and Anders Olsen. «Stress to the rescue: Is hormesis a ‘cure’for aging?." Dose-Response 8.1 (2010): dose-response.
  • Gems, David, and Linda Partridge. «Stress-response hormesis and aging: «that which does not kill us makes us stronger»." Cell metabolism 7.3 (2008): 200–203.
  • Murakami, Shin, and Thomas E. Johnson. «A genetic pathway conferring life extension and resistance to UV stress in Caenorhabditis elegans." Genetics 143.3 (1996): 1207–1218.
  • Guarente, Leonard, and Cynthia Kenyon. «Genetic pathways that regulate ageing in model organisms." Nature 408.6809 (2000): 255–262.

Apoptosis, or Phenoptosis, Theory of Aging, or Aging as a Programm


v. P. Skulachev


This theory developed by v. P. Skulachev in 1990s is expanding A. Weismann ideas.


An increased incidence of apoptosis has been reported for several tissues during aging, even in the absence of overt aging-related disease. Detailed analysis of sarcopenia in rodents indicates an apoptotic-like mechanism. During aging in Drosophila, apoptotic-like events are observed in both muscle and fat tissue.

Description of the Theory:

The concept of phenoptosis signifies the phenomenon of programmed death of an organism.
It is believed that the main mechanism of phenoptosis is apoptosis — genetically motivated process of programmed cell death. Apoptosis should be distinguished from necrosis. While necrosis is a violent cell death due to injury, burn, poisoning etc., apoptosis is a highly regulated and controlled process. Unlike necrosis, under apoptosis a cell is carefully sectionalized and its fragments can be used by other cells as a building material. According to v. P. Skulachev, a trigger mechanism of apoptosis is mitoptosis — a sort of mitochondrial death program.
There are a lot of reasons why cells trigger apoptosis. If a cell finds oneself accidentally in an «alien» tissue or organ, it rapidly «commits suicide». Also, the cell infected with viruses receives a biochemical signal to make self-annihilation. Thereby the «disinfection» of an organism occurs.

According to v. P. Skulachev, aging comes when dying cells becomes more numerous in an organism than appearing cells, and when moribund functional cells replace with connective tissue. v. P. Skulachev believes that aging is a disease which may and must be treated as we can attempt to cancel apoptosis. Since 2005, v. P. Skulachev leads a project with a goal of creating geroprotectors in the form of antioxidants specifically addressed to mitochondria (Skulachev ions).

Additions and Сriticism:

It should be noticed that evolutionary mechanisms maintaining the program of phenoptosis may be revealed. They are the kin selection (in this case, individuals age and die for the benefit of related members of a group) or the group selection (the death for the benefit of not related individuals). In theory, aging may stabilize the population, increase genetic diversity, and hasten the time of adaptation. Apoptosis in unicellular organisms (like yeasts) and the existence of organisms with «acute» programmed death (like salmon, octopus, and male marsupial mouse) are the arguments in favour of this theory.


  • Higami, Yoshikazu, and Isao Shimokawa. «Apoptosis in the aging process." Cell and tissue research 301.1 (2000): 125–132.
  • Lu, Bin, Hong-Duo Chen, and Hong-Guang Hong-Guang. «The relationship between apoptosis and aging." Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology 3.06 (2012): 705.
  • Monti, Daniela, et al. «Apoptosis-programmed cell death: a role in the aging process?» The American journal of clinical nutrition 55.6 (1992): 1208S-1214S.
  • Pollack, Michael, et al. «The role of apoptosis in the normal aging brain, skeletal muscle, and heart." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 959.1 (2002): 93–107.
  • Warner, Huber R. «Aging and regulation of apoptosis." Current topics in cellular regulation 35 (1997): 107–121.

Antagonistic Pleiotropy Theory


G. Williams


The antagonistic pleiotropy theory of aging was first proposed by G. C. Williams in 1957. Essentially, this theory is close to the mutation accumulation theory of aging.


There is a number of antagonistically pleiotropic genes including genes acting in insulin signalling or genes taking part in the synthesis of lipophilic hormones. The genes mentioned above have dual function. On the one hand, they stimulate growth and reproduction. On the other hand, they suppress stress resistance and so they precipitate senescence.

Description of the Theory:

According to this theory, aging is connected with antagonistically pleiotropic genes. That sort of genes control for more than one trait where at least one of these traits increase organism’s survival potential or reproduction at the early stages of life and at least one trait bring mentioned characteristics down at the late stages of life. The dual effect of such genes is known as «antagonistic pleiotropy». Antagonistically pleiotropic genes are maintained in populations by natural selection as their early benefits outweigh their late harm.

Data of modern molecular genetic analysis confirm the antagonistic pleiotropy theory. A lot of antagonistically pleiotropic genes were revealed. One of them is p53 gene that is a tumor suppressing gene and, at the same time, the gene participating in cell aging.

The antagonistic pleiotropy theory predicts that rapid development of an individual will correlate with rapid aging because the faster puberty is attained — the earlier senescence begins. The theory gives one more prediction: selection towards life-span extension lead to lowering of early fertility.


The antagonistic pleiotropy theory is close to the mutation accumulation theory of aging. The chief distinction between these theories is that, in mutation accumulation theory, genes with negative effects are passively cumulated from one generation to another, while in case of antagonistic pleiotropy this sort of genes is supported in population by the force of natural selection. Nevertheless, these theories are not incompatible. Both of the proposed evolutionary mechanisms may occur simultaneously.


Existence of sexual selection in elderly age. Though the natural selection diminishes in elderly age, the evolution will promote the selection of genes important for the reproduction at an early age in rare cases only. For example, permanently changing, aggressive environment will give advantages to antagonistic pleiotropy. Nevergheless, in actual stable society where there is no abrupt changes and aggressive environment, a tendency exists to have children in later life. In this case, genes promoting healthy longevity and increasing reproductive age will be selected.

Great variability in life-span between related organisms. Thereby, though related organisms have identical or similar sets of genes, their life-span may be far too different.


This theory allowed G. Williams to make a prediction about negative correlation between life-span and reproductive potential.
The theory works but it is necessary to amplify it with other theories.


  • Williams GC: Pleiotropy, natural selection, and the evolution of senescence. Evolution 1957;11:398–411.
  • Zahavi A: Mate selection: a selection for a handicap. J Theor Biol 1975;53:205–214.
  • Krtolica A, Parrinello S, Lockett S, Desprez PY, Campisi J: Senescent fibroblasts promote epithelial cell growth and tumorigenesis: a link between cancer and aging. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001;98:12072–12077.
  • Cutler RG, Semsei I: Development, cancer and aging: possible common mechanisms of action and regulation. J Gerontol 1989;44: 25–34.
  • Economos AC, Lints FA: Developmental temperature and life-span in Drosophilamelanogaster. 1. Constant developmental temperature: evidence for physiological adaptation in a wide temperature-range. Gerontology 1986;32:18–27.

Telomere Theory of Aging


A. M. Olovnikov


In 1971, the telomere theory of aging was proposed by Russian scientist A. M. Olovnikov on the ground of data obtained by American researcher L. Hayflick.


Since organism functional efficiency for many species (e.g.: vertebrates) depends on a continuous cell turnover, the progressive replicative senescence and the progressive alterations caused by cell senescence bring about a progressive decay of living functions.

Description of the Theory:

In 1961, L. Hayflick discovered that cultured human skin cells have limited capacity to divide — not more than 50 times — after which they become senescent — a phenomenon now known as the «Hayflick limit». However, Hayflick did not explain the mechanisms of this phenomenon.

In 1971, A. M. Olovnikov proposed a hypothesis interpreting limited capacity of cells to divide. According to that hypothesis, in each cell division, the end segments of chromosomes — telomeres — are unable to be fully copied. Therefore, telomeres become shorter after each cell division. In a certain moment, telomeres get so short, that cell becomes unable to divide. Such cell gradually lose vital capacity, and this is cell aging properly, according to the telomere theory of aging.

Additions and Сriticism:

In 1985 an enzyme called telomerase was discovered, and the Olovnikov’s theory was successfully confirmed. Telomerase maintains telomere length in cancer and germ cells, making such cells immortal. As the result, not all the cells have a limit in 50–60 divisions: cancer and germ cells have infinite replicative potential. Nevertheless, relationship of cell aging with telomeres shortening is generally acknowledged.


  • Xi, Huanjiu, et al. «Telomere, aging and age-related diseases." Aging clinical and experimental research 25.2 (2013): 139–146.
  • Blasco, Maria A. «Telomere length, stem cells and aging." Nature chemical biology 3.10 (2007): 640–649.
  • Harley, Calvin B., et al. «The telomere hypothesis of cellular aging." Experimental gerontology 27.4 (1992): 375–382.
  • Levy, Michael Z., et al. «Telomere end-replication problem and cell aging." Journal of molecular biology 225.4 (1992): 951–960.

Free-radical Theory of Aging


D. Harman and N. M. Emanuel.


This theory was suggested nearly simultaneously by D. Harman in 1956 and N. M. Emanuel in 1958. Last years, it is one of the fundamental theories of aging which develops actively.


In some model organisms, such as yeast and Drosophila, there is evidence that reducing oxidative damage can extend lifespan. In mice, interventions that enhance oxidative damage generally shorten lifespan.

Description of the Theory:

According to this theory, free radicals — reactive oxygen species (ROS) — are the main origin of aging by causing oxidative cellular injuries. Free radicals are necessary for many biochemical processes and they are produced as by-products during some biochemical reactions or as substrates for other biochemical reactions in each cell.

If an aggressive, chemically reactive free radical leaves that place where it is necessary, it can damage DNA, as well as RNA, proteins and lipids. Peroxidation is extremely dangerous for polyunsaturated fatty acids that are a component of cell membranes because reaction products (peroxides and hydroperoxides) has also high oxygenating potential. As the result, the process of cell damaging becomes avalanche-like. Damage of macromolecules (and of the whole cell) after ROS acting is named an oxidative stress. It causes aging as well as a broad range of age-related pathological processes (cardiovascular diseases, age-dependent metabolic immunodepression, brain dysfunction, cataract, cancer and so on).


The nature provided protection mechanisms from free radicals excess, and most ROS render harmless before they injure any cell structures. The main factors of antioxidant defense of an organism are special enzymes: superoxide dismutase and some other ones. Some antioxidant chemicals are received by the organism with food. Among such antioxidants are vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. Up-to-date pharmacology develops antioxidant supplements which are medicines protecting an organism from free radicals. However, the fact that product of interaction between ROS with macromolecules are permanently found in organs and tissues indicate that systems protecting an organism from free radicals are not enough efficient and that the cells constantly run the danger of oxidative stress.


Whether reducing oxidative damage below normal levels is sufficient to extend lifespan remains an open and controversial question. For example, in roundworms (Caenorhabditis elegans), blocking the production of the naturally occurring antioxidant superoxide dismutase has recently been shown to increase lifespan.


  • Harman, Denham. «Free radical theory of aging." Free Radicals: From Basic Science to Medicine. Birkhäuser Basel, 1993. 124–143.
  • Finkel, Toren, and Nikki J. Holbrook. «Oxidants, oxidative stress and the biology of ageing." Nature 408.6809 (2000): 239–247.
  • Dai, Dao-Fu, et al. «Mitochondrial oxidative stress in aging and healthspan." Longev Healthspan 3.6 (2014): 10–1186.
  • Stadtman, Earl R. «Protein oxidation and aging." Free radical research 40.12 (2006): 1250–1258.
  • Berlett, Barbara S., and Earl R. Stadtman. «Protein oxidation in aging, disease, and oxidative stress." Journal of Biological Chemistry 272.33 (1997): 20313–20316.

Crosslinking Theory of Aging


Johan Bjorksten


This theory was proposed in 1942.


Diabetes is often viewed as a form of accelerated aging. In fact, diabetics have 2–3 times the numbers of cross-linked proteins when compared to their healthy counterparts. The cross-linking of proteins may also be responsible for cardiac enlargement and the hardening of collagen, which may then lead to the increased susceptibility of a cardiac arrest.

Description of the Theory:

According to this theory, the aging of living organisms depends on casual formation of chemical bonds, or «cross links», between protein molecules. Repair enzymes of the cell can not break those bonds.

Protein molecules are more particularly binds one to another by means of glucose molecule. The process of bonding of a protein molecule with a glucose molecule is known as glycation. Unfortunately, enzymes capable of splitting products of glycation are unknown so far. Nevertheless, the research group, led by J. Forbes, have been working at the development of medicines that provide the opportunity of detaching sugars from proteins. In the future, the use of such medicines will possibly allow proteins to restore its structure and return to normal, so negative effects of glycation will be annulled.

The process of cross links formation between protein molecules in a human organism is very similar to the process that takes place during leather tanning. As we age, progressive accumulation of cross links occur in most tissues of our organism — in arteries, cartilages, muscles. The main consequence of this process is the decline in tissue elasticity. Actually, muscle and joint stiffness often observed in elderly people is the result of cross links formation between protein molecules.

Keeping on working on his theory, J. Bjorksten found that one more type of cross links exist. They are cross links between DNA molecules. J. Bjorksten thought that cross links between DNA molecules could not be broken by the repair system of the cell. 

Those cross links hinder RNA synthesis on DNA that disturbs the process of protein formation in the cell. Moreover, cross links do not allow DNA to take part in cell divisions, so they prevent cell renewal. 

Additions and Сriticism:

A lot of chemical agents can provoke cross-links formation. These are products of the cell metabolism as well as toxic substances like lead or components of tobacco smoke. According to J. Bjorksten, the number and diversity of substances causing cross-links formation in tissues of an organism is so great that you should not ask if that is sufficient to cause aging. You should only wonder why aging develops so slowly.


  • Susic, Dinko, et al. «Collagen cross-link breakers: a beginning of a new era in the treatment of cardiovascular changes associated with aging, diabetes, and hypertension." Current Drug Targets-Cardiovascular & Hematological Disorders 4.1 (2004): 97–101.
  • Aronson, Doron. «Cross-linking of glycated collagen in the pathogenesis of arterial and myocardial stiffening of aging and diabetes." Journal of hypertension 21.1 (2003): 3–12.
  • Nagy, Imre Zs, and Katalin Nagy. «On the role of cross-linking of cellular proteins in aging." Mechanisms of ageing and development 14.1 (1980): 245–251.
  • Fujimoto, Daisaburo. «Aging and cross-linking in human aorta." Biochemical and biophysical research communications 109.4 (1982): 1264–1269.
  • Cannon, D. J., and P. F. Davison. «Cross-linking and aging in rat tendon collagen." Experimental gerontology 8.1 (1973): 51–62.
  • Yamauchi, Mitsuo, David T. Woodley, and Gerald L. Mechanic. «Aging and cross-linking of skin collagen." Biochemical and biophysical research communications 152.2 (1988): 898–903.

Disposable Soma Theory of Aging


T. Kirkwood


The theory was published in 1977. Actually, the disposable soma theory is the particular case of the antagonistic pleiotropy theory of aging.


If the field mouse had an ability of self-maintenance sufficient for 20-year lifespan, it would incorrectly use its somatic resources as foxes and owls eat most field mice up during 3 months. It has nothing to do but to aim its efforts at reproduction.

Description of the Theory

This theory postulates the existence of genes which control energy resources redistribution from somatic to reproductive cells. These genes properly program the lifespan of a definite species.

Under conditions unfavourable for longevity those genes provide supporting functions (DNA repair, antioxidant enzymes, stress proteins) mainly in reproductive cells. Reproductive cells, or germ cells, must persistently keep the ability of renewal; otherwise the species will die out. In that case somatic (nonreproductive) cells do just not obtain sufficient resources. As the result, somatic cells age and they are gradually consumed. 

In terms of evolution, aging of the somatic cells if not a problem as in the unfavourable environment there is a little chance of living long. On the other hand, when the living conditions of the species become better and the chance of living longer rise accordingly, those genes will switch the balance over to prolongation of life as the reproductive period of an organism will also become longer. 

People evolved putting the majority of energy resources into tissue reparation, so they can afford longevity but leave a few descendants who are given good and long-term care nevertheless.

Additions and Сriticism:

This theory receives the support from the observations on populations of wild animals in nature. These observations show that the amount and activity of predators affect the survival strategy of the population predators hunt after. For example, guppies from the population living in conditions of the increased rate of mortality grow faster and breed at earlier age than guppies living under low rate of mortality.

The disposable soma theory does not postulate any specific mechanisms of soma maintenance so it we should not consider it to explain the process of aging. On the other hand, the theory covers evolutionary aspects necessary for the process of aging understanding.


  • Abrams, Peter A., and Donald Ludwig. «Optimality theory, Gompertz’law, and the disposable soma theory of senescence." Evolution (1995): 1055–1066.

  • Drenos, Fotios, and Thomas BL Kirkwood. «Modelling the disposable soma theory of ageing." Mechanisms of ageing and development 126.1 (2005): 99–103.

  • Speakman, John R., and Elżbieta Król. «The heat dissipation limit theory and evolution of life histories in endotherms-time to dispose of the disposable soma theory?." Integrative and comparative biology (2010): icq049.

  • Kirkwood, T. B. L. «The disposable soma theory: evidence and implications." Netherlands journal of zoology 43.3 (1992): 359–363.

Mitochondrial Theory of Aging


Mitochondrial free radical theory of aging — J. Miquel, A. W. Linnane.
Mitochondrial non free radical theory of aging — A. N. Lobachev.


The mitochondrial theory of aging has got two variant: mitochondrial free radical theory and mitochondrial non free radical theory of aging. The first one is properly a version of free radical theory of aging. It was formulated by J. Miquel in 1980 and then was developed by A. W. Linnane (1989). The second one was proposed by A. N. Lobachev in 1978. 


As we age, mitochondrial functions declines in various tissues while a number of mutations in mithochondrial DNA increases.

Description of the Theory

Mitochondrial theory of aging proposes that changes in mitochondria functioning during our lipe play the main role in human aging.

Both variants of mitochondrial theory postulate that as we age, mitochondrial DNA accumulate damages (mutations and structure abnormalities). As the result, mitochondia provide less energy to cells and the cells age. Moreover, damages of mtDNA can provoke apoptosis. The main difference between the two variants of mitochondrial theory is how each of them explains the reason of age-related changes in mtDNA. 

According to the mitochondrial free radical theory of aging, the main source of age-related changes in mtDNA are free radicals. And mitochondria are not only the target for free radicals, but also the main source of free radicals found in cells (free radicals are generated in mitochondria during the process of respiration).

The mitochondrial non free radical theory of aging suggests that the main reason 

of accumulation of damages in mt DNA is the fact that at certain moment of cell life, the development of mitochondria begin to conflict with the development of nucleus. The fact is that mitochondria are quite autonomous cell organelles and they are programmed to devide infinitely. At the same time, mature somatic cells divide negligibly. And in some moment mitochondria receive less nuclear proteins than they need. As the result, mitochondria start up the process of programmed degradation. This process manifests itself mainly in occurring deletions (cutting out of pieces) in mtDNA. As the result, mtDNA becomes storter. To conclude, according to the mitochondrial non free radical theory of aging, mitochondria appears to be the «biologic clock» of the cell and programm the duration of its life. 

Additions and Сriticism

Nowadays scientific papers present lots of circumstantial evidence supporting the mitochondrial theory of aging. There is a progbem though in studying mtDNA and mitochondria in general. Actually, scientists have only a few ways that allow working with mitochondrial mutations. There is no methods of genetic engineering suitable for mitochondria and nowadays, it is impossible to create mutation or gene, insert it into mithochondria and then study the cell line obtained. The only possible way is to study mutations given by the nature.


  • Gruber, Jan, Sebastian Schaffer, and Barry Halliwell. «The mitochondrial free radical theory of ageing — where do we stand?» Frontiers in bioscience: a journal and virtual library 13 (2007): 6554–6579.
  • Jang, Youngmok C., and Holly Van Remmen. «The mitochondrial theory of aging: insight from transgenic and knockout mouse models." Experimental gerontology 44.4 (2009): 256–260.
  • Rasmussen, Ulla F., et al. «Experimental evidence against the mitochondrial theory of aging A study of isolated human skeletal muscle mitochondria." Experimental gerontology 38.8 (2003): 877–886.
  • Gadaleta, Maria Nicola, et al. «Aging and mitochondria." Biochimie 80.10 (1998): 863–870.
  • Jacobs, Howard T. «The mitochondrial theory of aging: dead or alive?» Aging cell 2.1 (2003): 11–17.
  • Mandavilli, Bhaskar S., Janine H. Santos, and Bennett Van Houten. «Mitochondrial DNA repair and aging." Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 509.1 (2002): 127–151.

Neuroendocrine theory of aging


v. M. Dilman


This theory was proposed in 1968. Аt first, it was named the elevation hypothesis.


As an individual age, there is a decline in the work of neuroendocrine system. First of all, that leads to the decline in the production of many hormones that are necessary for normal functioning of an organism. Secondly, that affect hormones interractions. Althogether a lot of bodily changes connected with aging arise, e.g. menopause, decrease in muscle mass and increased chance of degenerative disease emergence and severity. 

Description of the Theory

This theory supposes that aging is a result of age-related changed in nervous and endocrine systems coordinating interraction between all the systems of human body and responding to the changs of the internal environment or to the external medium stimuli. Age-related changes mentioned above have an impact at neuronal and hormonal paths that regulate such significant functions as reproduction, growth, development and survival.

What is the mechanism of these age-related changes? v. M. Dilman has apparently found the answer on this question. According to his elevation hypothesis (1968), aging is a result of age-dependent increasing of the threshold of sensitivity of nervous system to the regulatory homeostatic signals.
v. M. Dilman affirmed that the key condition of homoestasis maintenance is «coordinated activity of the two main regulatory sistems — endocrine and nervous».


Endocrine glands permanently oversee the internal environmet of an organism and register any abnormalities. If such abnormalities are found, endocrine glands secrete certain hormones into blood, and the state of health comes to normal. «The main gland» of an organism is the pituitary gland. It produce a lot of hormones which control how other endocrine glands produce hormones. Hypothalamus and pituitary body control many essential functions of an organism, including internal temperature, blood pressure, thirst, hunger, sexual appetites, chemical and water balances, menstrual cycles.

v. M. Dilman believed that aging is a disorder of internal homeostasis connected with increased activity of hypothalamus. The effect of this disorder is increased level of hormones in blood which leads to the development of number of pathologies, including age-related diseases and disorders (obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, cancer, autoimmune disorders, metabolic immunodepression, hyperadaptosis, depression and climax). These post-maturational diseases and disorders cause aging and death.

Additions and Сriticism

Nowadays there are no doubts that hormones play very important role in aging process.


  • The neuroendocrine theory of aging and degenerative disease / Vladimir Dilman, Ward Dean. — Pensacola, Fla. : Center for Bio-Gerontology, 1992. — 138 p.
  • Zjacic-Rotkvic, Vanja, Lovro Kavur, and Maja Cigrovski-Berkovic. «Hormones and aging." Acta Clinica Croatica 49.4 (2010): 549–554.
  • Mikhaĭlovich, v. A., et al. «[Central hemodynamics and hormonal homeostasis during surgical stress in young patients with different levels of physical preparation]." Anesteziologiia i reanimatologiia 6 (1990): 22–26.

Intoxication Theory of Aging


I. I. Mechnikov, v. N. Gladyshev


Initial postulates of the intoxication theory of aging were proposed by I. I. Mechnikov in 1903. In up-to-date condition, the theory was well described in 2012–2013 in v. N. Gladyshev’s papers.


There are a lot of cells in mature organism which do not divide or divide very slowly but continue taking part in the metabolism. Among these cells are brain and heart cells. Systematically, these cells accumulate side products of the metabolism and these products begin to impede cells' normal functioning.

Description of the Theory:

The theory postulates that aging is connected with the accumulation of different chemical agents in the cells and the organism can not use or throw this agents away.

It is supposed that in the course of the metabolism, there are side reactions in the cells due to fundamental imperfection of chemical and, specifically, enzymatic transformations. The more complex and intensive metabolism, the more types of side products arise in chemical reactions. Some of these products leave cells easy, but some ones are utilizing by special enzymes. One or even more enzymes have to work for each side product utilization. Different organisms have different sets of enzymes destroying side products of metabolism. Usually, these enzymes are not numerous and they operate only with the most common and the most toxic of the side products.

Remaining side products simply accumulate in the cells. The only and universal way to fight these substances is to dilute them in the process of cell division. This method successfully works, but it works for dividing cells only. Multicellular organisms, such as human being, have problems with side products because a lot of cells stop dividing but continue to take part in the metabolism. Such cells, e.g. essential brain and heart cells, accumulate side products of the metabolism, and these products begin to impede cells' normal functioning.

The main intracellular side product is lipofuscin, also known as «wear-and-tear» pigments. Lipofuscin is a complex mixture of substances which appear to be terminal products of the oxidation of intracellular lipids and proteins. As we age, lipofuscin accumulates in lysosomes of nondividing cells. Lysosomes are membrane-bound cell organelles breaking down nutrients which are entering into the cell, as well as cellular debris. Lysosomes contain hydrolytic enzymes belonging to acid hydrolases. All of the lysosomal enzymes are acid hydrolases, which are active at the acidic pH (about 5) that is maintained within lysosomes but not at the neutral pH (about 7.2) characteristic of the rest of the cytoplasm. Accumulation of lipofuscin in lysosomes leads to the dilution of enzymes and impede lysosomal content acidulation. Gradually, this reduce efficiency of the work of acid hydrolases.

Nowadays, such scientists as B. Davidson and S. L. Hofmann develop methods of lipofuscin decomposition as well as investigate ways allowing to reduce lipofuscin accumulation in the cells.

The second type of toxic products are amiloids that accumulate in the nervous tissue mainly. The most well-known amiloid is β-amiloid causing Alzheimer’s disease.

Furthermore, side products of metabolism somehow include glycated proteins that are proteins which have covalent bonds with a sugar molecule. Thereby, the intoxication theory includes someway the cross-linking theory of aging.

Additions and Сriticism:

Nowadays, this theory develops actively. Its postulates find wide application in the creation of practical methods for preventing of aging.


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