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The most informative and interesting sort of tourism is hiking. Hiking is a hobby that has no age or social limitations. Hiking was known to be healthful long ago. Even short-distance walking trips coupled with exercises for muscles coordination and relaxation are proved to promote health.

That sort of tourism can give more benefit than long and exhausting exercises in a gym. Even moderate walking is known to help getting rid of overweight. When you walk through broken ground, you spend lots of calories. Moving is an exercise, so it helps utilize fats and strengthen muscles. Walking promotes development of muscular system and strengthen our body. Walking helps tenfold increase human’s endurance, forms dexterity and strength and increases muscle tone. Hiking is the considerable prophylactic of cardiovascular diseases. During walking, the body utilizes excess fats, level of cholesterol comes to normal and blood vessels widen. All those decrease blood pressure and so prevent heart diseases. Hiking may be recommended to people in any age. Active life style helps delay aging. The fact is that activity of immune system decreases slowly for a long time. Thus, regular locomotor activity increases life span keeping good health.