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Cheese diet

This diet is the classic protein diet, but it differs from the meat one in that cheese proteins digest faster. The only shortcoming of the cheese diet is the high level of fats. Therefore, the amount of carbohydrates consumed should be minimized. However, the shortcoming mentioned is also the main merit of the cheese diet — fats decelerate digestion and strongly depress appetite.

For the cheese diet, you should use hard cheese with content of fats no more than 10–12%. It is important to choose cheese that is not too hot and spicy. While on a diet, you should drink much water, as water is the essential component of the metabolism. It is desirable you to drink no less than two litres of water every day (in addition to water from coffee/tea and food).

Menu of the cheese diet:

  • Sugar-free coffee of tea, 3 boiled eggs.
  • A piece of cheese, 100 g, and 100 g of boiled meat.
  • 200 g of boiled curds, 200 g of not sweet vegetables.
  • A piece of cheese, 200 g, one boiled egg.
  • 50 g of cheese, a glass of low-fat kefir.
Five meals should be distributed evenly all through the day. The last meal should not be earlier than an hour before going to bed. The cheese diet lasts one week, then you should have a fasting day when you should eat mainly cooked cereals and vegetables. Then one more week of the diet comes, after that you should finish the diet. It is rather dangerous to be on the cheese diet more than two weeks running. In two month only, you may repeat the diet.