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1 to 10 mutations are needed to drive cancer, scientists find

The results show the number of mutations driving cancer varies considerably across different cancer types


Approximate number of driver mutations needed to cause cancer by area of the body

For the first time, scientists have provided unbiased estimates of the number of mutations needed for cancers to develop, in a study of more than 7,500 tumours across 29 cancer types. Researchers from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and their collaborators adapted a technique from the field of evolution to confirm that, on average, 1 to 10 mutations are needed for cancer to emerge.

The results,  published today (19th October) in  Cell, also show the number of mutations driving cancer varies considerably across different cancer types.

In the study, the team developed an approach to discovering which genes are implicated in cancer evolution and how many mutations in those genes drive cancer. In the future, such approaches could be used in the clinic to identify which few mutations in an individual patient are driving his or her cancer, from amongst the thousands of mutations present.

Over 150 years ago, Charles Darwin described how different species evolve through the process of natural selection. Cancers also develop by natural selection, acting on the mutations that accumulate in the cells of our bodies over time. In this study, scientists applied an evolutionary perspective to quantifying natural selection in 7,664 tumours across 29 different cancers.

One of the striking findings of the study was that mutations are usually well-tolerated by cells in the body. This was surprising because mutations that individuals inherit from their parents are often poorly tolerated, and are generally lost from the human species over time. In the body’s cells, however, as a cancer develops, nearly all mutations persist without impacting on the survival of the cell.

The team also catalogued the main cancer genes responsible for 29 different cancer types. Researchers discovered several new cancer genes and determined how complete the current lists of cancer genes are.


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