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Norio Taniguchi, Eric Drexler, Robert Freitas


Science doesn’t stay in one place. Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials have found their application in medicine. At the eve of XXI century, such direction as nanomedicine has appeared. Nowadays this direction is rapidly developing, many nanotechnologies are already approved and patented for application in the field of drug delivery, diagnostics and treatment of some diseases, tissue regeneration and others. 


Nanorobots and nanocomputers are the perfect examples of medical application of nanotechnologies.

 Nanorobots — are the microscopic nanomachines of the future; they posses a high sensitivity, accuracy, and they can «obediently» execute the commands from the supervisory computer. With the help of nanorobots it is possible to provide the assembling of molecules, and in vivo tissue regeneration. Nanorobots are controlled by nanocomputers, which are characterized by highly accurate computation and programming. 


Nowadays, nanodevices are used in the field of skin anti-aging. But that is just the beginning. Nanotechnologies have an unlimited potential. The technologies of drug delivery with the help of nanoparticles are highly accurate and they are directed at the highly specific target.

 It is very important for the treatment of aging-related and oncological diseases.
Currently, nanomatrices for regenerative medicine are widely used for in vitro tissue growing, but the technologies are improving and soon it will be possible to regenerate the organs and tissues directly in the human organism. 

Injection of nanorobots will allow physicians to look inside the human organism, and it will extremely improve the accuracy of diseases diagnostics. These devices will demonstrate all human problems on «the large screen.»

Nanochips are extensively developing with the aim to fight with such intractable diseases as epilepsy. Nanochips will allow to control the convulsive seizures, analyzing the brain signals.

Furthermore, nanotechnologies offer exciting possibilities for their application in the field of personalized medicine, medical monitoring of patients, prostheses controlling.

Additions and Criticism:

All the mentioned application prospects are very promising, but there are some concerns and problems associated with the use of nanoparticles in medicine.

First of all, it is necessary to create a completely inert particles, which will not cause the immune response, when they will be ingested into the organism, and they will not interact with the organism’s molecules. Secondly, scientists still can not solve the problem of nanorobots toxicity for the organism: experiments on animals do not provide a decisive answer. And finally, there is a risk of damage of biomolecules, membranes, and cells from the invasion of nanodevices. 

Despite these problems, we can say that nanomedicine — is a young and promising direction, and the elimination of negative consequences is about timing.


  • Moghimi, S. Moein, and Z. Shadi Farhangrazi. «Nanomedicine and the complement paradigm." Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine9.4 (2013): 458–460.
  • Krol, Silke, Rutledge Ellis-Behnke, and Piero Marchetti. «Nanomedicine for treatment of diabetes in an aging population: state-of-the-art and future developments." Maturitas 73.1 (2012): 61–67.
  • Saha, Moni. «Nanomedicine: promising tiny machine for the healthcare in future-a review." Oman medical journal 24.4 (2009): 242.
  • Singh, Neeraj, Courtney A. Cohen, and Beverly A. Rzigalinski. «Treatment of neurodegenerative disorders with radical nanomedicine." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1122.1 (2007): 219–230.