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Leek (Allium porrum) is one of the worthy members of the family Alliaceae. For centuries this edible plant was known due to its medicinal properties.

Leek is an excellent dietary low-calorie food with large amount of healthy nutrients. Leek is known for the high content of potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur and magnesium salts. It contains essential oil having sulfur, protein substances and vitamins — ascorbic and nicotinic acids, thiamine, riboflavin and carotene. Leek stimulates blood cleansing, growth of haemoglobin level, improves and speeds up the process of hematopoiesis. It is recommended to take that onion during depressions, avitaminoses, physical exhaustion, cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis. Leek also improves memory, helps the brain to assimilate the complicated information, increases attention concentration. It is recommended to include the leek in a healthy diet as that onion is low-caloric — 36 calories per 100 grams.