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Mediterranean diet

If you want to be not only slender but health, the Mediterranean diet is just for you. You know, inhabitants of seashores are notable for robust health, good spirits and special cheerfulness.

One of the reasons why they have good health is a suitable diet. There are lots of fresh fish, seafood, bird’s meat, greens, fruit, vegetables and spices on their menu.
Meat and eggs should be dietary and low-calorie. The more greens are in your diet, the slower process of aging is, and the less risk that oncological diseases will develop. The best oil for the diet is olive oil.
Choosing dairy products you should prefer natural cultured milk foods. Moderate consuming of dry red wine is believed to improve working of heart and blood vessels and favour the rejuvenation of an organism.
Before going on the Mediterranean diet you should make ready for it. It means you organize fasting days: a day with dairy and vegetables, a day with rice and a day with cabbage. Total caloric value in those days should not exceed 800 kilocalories. During those days the organism should get rid of waste products and prepare to self-cleaning.
What will we eat while on the Mediterranean diet?
The Mediterranean diet lasts 7 days. Let’s consider an approximate day menu:

  • 1-st breakfast: a sandwich with wholegrain bread and jam, a glass of green tea,
  • 2-nd breakfast: a glass of natural yoghurt,
  • lunch: pasta with vegetables stewed with olive oil, herbaceous tea,
  • dinner: spaghetti with zucchini, pepper and onion seasoned with goat’s cheese.

During day you should try to drink as much water from melted snow as possible (up to two litres a day).

Such a diet will help you lose 3 kg of overweight. If you want to switch over to the healthy and rational diet, the Mediterranean diet can facilitate that passage.