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Use of biomaterials in tissue engineering, drug and gene delivery

The main scientific breakthroughs of prof. T. Okano’s team are associated with the modification of a temperature responsive polymer (poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)) as surfaces for tissue cultivation. Under standard culture conditions (37°С), these surfaces are hydrophobic, and cells adsorb and proliferate. When the temperature drops to 20°С, the polymer becomes hydrophilous. That allows to gather all cultured cells as intact sheets. In these sheets, all cells preserve their cytoskeleton and intercellular junctions intact. That allows to transfer them onto other surfaces and use them for bioengineered manipulations. This method is already successfully used in clinical practice for reconstruction of the eye surface, it also allows to solve the problem of donor tissue deficiency and allogenic transplant rejection. The regenerative medicine having concern with cornea diseases proposes just take a biopsy (2 square mm) of ectocorneal stem cells from the patient’s health eye in order to create a cell sheet for transplantation. Moreover, scientists have developed a technology suitable for bilateral corneal lesions. It uses an epithelial transplant obtained from the tunica mucosa of the patient’s mouth, that obviates the need for immunosuppression. In addition to two-dimensional cell sheets, three-dimensional structures have been created to use in heart tissue reconstruction. Sheets of cardiomyocytes layered one onto another showed spontaneous and simultaneous pulsation giving evidence that morphological links were established between cell sheets. This property allowed T. Okano to develop a cell sheet technology which will be used in tissue and organ regeneration. This technology completely excludes the use of any matrices and utilize autological cells only, without foreign components. The technology using sheets of cardiomyocytes may be useful in the heart model creation and in cardiovascular tissue restoration.

Place of employment — Institute of Advanced Biomedical Engineering and Science, Japan.

Contacts — TWIns, 8–1 Kawada-cho, Shinjuku, Tokyo 162–8666, Japan +81 (3)3353–8111 Ext.30233tokano@abmes.twmu.ac.jphttp://www.pharmacy.utah.edu/pharmaceutics/people/contact/directory/adjunct_faculty/tokano.html.

Publications — Temperature-responsive intelligent interfaces for biomolecular separation and cell sheet engineering. Nagase Kю, Kobayashi J, Okano T. J. R. Soc. Interface. 2009 Jun 6;6 Suppl 3:S293-309. Cell sheet-based myocardial tissue engineering: new hope for damaged heart rescue. Shimizu T., Sekine H., Yamato M., Okano T. Curr. Pharm. Des. 2009;15(24):2807–14. Cell sheet engineering for heart tissue repair. Masuda S., Shimizu T., Yamato M., Okano T. Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 2008 Jan 14;60(2):277–85.