Перевести на Переведено сервисом «Яндекс.Перевод»

Role of protein glycation in diabetes development and aging; role of interactions between proteins and lipid peroxidation products in pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and inflammatory processes

Place of work — Department
of Chemistry
and Biochemistry, University
of South Carolina, USA
Contacts — 438 Main Street
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 777–7272
Publications — Chemical modification of proteins by lipids in diabetes.
Baynes JW. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2003
Chelating activity of advanced glycation end-product
inhibitors. Price DL, Rhett PM, Thorpe SR, Baynes JW. J Biol Chem. 2001 Dec 28;276(52):48967–72.
Oxidation of glycated proteins:age-dependent accumulation
of carboxymethyllysine in lens proteins. Dunn, J.A., Patrick, J.S., Thorpe, S.R. and
Baynes, J.W. (1989) Biochem. 28:9464- 9468.