Перевести на Переведено сервисом «Яндекс.Перевод»


Place of work — Pontificia
Universidad Católica de
Chile, Chile
Contacts — 340, Avenida Libertador
O Higgins,
Santiago, Chile
(562) 354 6936
Publications — Supplementation of female rats with alpha-linolenic (LNA)
or docosahexaenoico acid (DHA)
leads to the same omega-6/omega-3 LC-PUFA accretion in
mother tissues and in fetal and
newborn brain. 2004: Valenzuela, A., von Bernhardi, R.,
Valenzuela, v. , Ramírez, G., Alarcón, R., Sanhueza, J. and Nieto, S. Annals of
Nutrition and Metabolism. 2004; 48(1)
Acetylcholinesterase induces the expression of the
b-Amyloid Precursor Protein in glia and activates glial cells in culture. von Bernhardi, R.,
Ramírez, G., De Ferrari G.v. and Inestrosa, N. C. Neurobiol Disease. 2003 14(3):447–57.
Respiratory responses to pH in absence of pontine and dorsal medullary areas in the newborn
mouse in vitro. Infante, CD., von Bernhardi, R., Rovgeno,
M., Llona, I., and Eugenín, J. Brain Res.
2003 984:198–205.