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Clinical use of stem cells in treatment of diseases mediated by oxidants or free radicals, aging and cardiovascular diseases

Place of work — National
Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute, NHLBI, USA
Contacts — 10 Center Dr, Building 10- CRC 5–3330, MSC-1454 Bethesda, MD 20892 (301) 402 4081 finkelt@nih.gov
Publications — Homocysteine accelerates endothelial cell senescence Dong Xu, Richard Neville and Toren Finkel, FEBS letters, 2000. Vol 470, Issue 1, 20–24
Free Radicals and Senescence. Teng Lu and Toren Finkel, Exp Cell Res. 2008, 314(9), 1918- 1922
Mitochondrial signaling, TOR, and life span. Schieke SM, Finkel T., Biol Chem. 2006, 387(10–11),1357–61.