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Доктор философии, доктор наук. Главный редактор журнала «БИОГЕРОНТОЛОГИЯ» Координатор иностранных студентов. Отдел молекулярной биологии и генетики

While we are waiting for the realisation of hopes and fantasies and promises of some scientists to create magic pills and formulations to live for ever, or at least for a couple of hundred or thousands of years, let me share with you what we can do right now. Those promises may take a long time to get fulfilled or maybe never fulfilled, because they are perhaps approaching this whole issue in a wrong way.

I would like to make certain conclusions, suggestions, recommendations based on my more than 30 years of being a biogerontologist — a scientist studying the biological mechanisms of ageing. All my academic achievements and any international acceptance and recognition have been due to my consistency and credibility in biogerontology. In these 2 minute messages, I will tell you how to stop ageing now — right now in 2 minutes — if that is what your wish is. These methods are wholistic — whole with a W, W.H.O.L.I.S.T.I.C; and not the most frequently heard holistic with an H, which is just a hole, with no filters, with no end, and everything jumps in from hocus pocus, to crystal hangings, circling around some tree, some book, some whatever — no such un-scientific holism. So my this series «Stop ageing in 2 minutes» will deal with the science of ageing — subscribe to my channel and you will get the updates automatically

Источник: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCzqJEYSckg