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FPI has established a laboratory for the military breakthrough in immunology

The advanced research Foundation (DRF) has established a laboratory to identify the likely directions of technological breakthroughs in the military field on the basis of Institute of immunology, reported RIA Novosti in the Fund.

 «For the purpose of implementation of the FPI projects in the field of immunology and related Sciences to create innovative technologies and products of military, special and dual purpose, and also for the system of expert and analytical work on monitoring the likely directions of technological breakthroughs in Biomedicine, forming a targeted search laboratory immunology», — stated in the message.

As explained in the Fund, the laboratory formed on the basis of Institute of immunology of Federal medical-biological Agency of Russia, leading national scientific institutions in the field of clinical and experimental immunology.

«The strategy of the laboratory activity is carried out within the framework of such scientific directions as the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases, immunological aspects of transplantation of organs and tissues, treatment of immunodependent diseases, the technology of tissue regeneration,» added the Fund.

The Foundation for advanced studies was created in 2012 to promote research and development in the interests of defence and security of the country. Activities are conducted in three main areas: chemical-biological and medical, physics and technical, information. At the end of 2015 in the structure of FPI was created by the national center of technology development and the basic elements of robotics. The Foundation operates more than 60 projects, they created more than 40 laboratories in leading universities, research institutes and defense industries.


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